Saturday, June 27, 2009

Where have I been...

Sorry it has been so long! I've gotten hooked to Facebook (even though I swore that I never would) and when I get online, I normally check my email and then check fb then try to get off without spending (or wasting) ridiculous amounts of time on the computer! Anyway, lately I've gotten into bad habits of staying up way too body is getting into a bad cycle. I vow to stop it tonight!...after I finish this blog! Wow, I've got it bad!

Quick update...summer vacation, but busy, busy. I'm volunteering on T/Th mornings at a deaf camp for the next 3 weeks. The girls go with me and they are exposed to kids who are deaf and sign language, so it's good for them. In two weeks, I will start teaching a sign language class at an area church who has some kids who are deaf and their leaders want to learn basic sign. Last week, I started co-leading a JourneyMoms Lifegroup that meets Wed. mornings at the park. Great group of ladies, I think it will be super fun. Working some Fridays and Mondays, so it seems that everyday of the week has something going on...but August is free and open and I am going to be intentional about keeping it that way!

I've been struggling with what my role will be this year at Journey Church. I've been asked to pray about being the Coordinator for our Tiny Travelers age group (ages 3-5). The description fits my gifts, but just not sure. If Journey was larger, I would probably not work in kids at all...but I know that's where the biggest need is right now, but I also don't want to dread going to church either! I know God will give me clarity and wisdom...He said He would if I ask Him! to bed, off to bed!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Two Years Ago...

Two years ago today, we packed up our house where we had lived for seven years in a town where we had lived for ten years and headed to Michigan to do something that was so foreign and scary to us that we thought our lives were over! We packed up on our 11th wedding anniversary, went to a going away party at the Corey's house, went to church on Sunday where we cried more than ever before, and then went to our last Sunday lunch at El Rodeo where we cried even more than we had before. What a scary, exciting, exhilarating time we were living in! We knew we were making the right decision but that didn't make it any easier or any less scary. But, church planting has been the ride of a lifetime and we wouldn't trade our decision for the world! It's been an awesome two years!