Saturday, March 14, 2009

What a week...

What a week! Kenzie has been and is still fighting off some kind of bug this week. High fevers every night, and stomach aches after she eats. Took her to the doctor and they found nothing...they say it must be just a virus and it will run its course. Well, I think a week and two days is long enough to run its course. And on top of that, Kenz is totally clingy and whiny when she's sick, it has been almost unbearable.

Jon also had the flu on Monday night, and was unable to keep anything down until Wednesday. He was supposed to go away this week and have a three day study time and he lost that opportunity. Luckily, he had a productive day today and was able to get a lot done.

Now that you are caught up on our week, I will go ahead and complain! I had to sleep on the sofa two nights in a row, cut a breakfast with a friend short to go pick up Kenz at school when she had a fever, call off an interpreting job and miss bible study. It was the ultimate mom sacrifice week! I'm not being prideful at all, I actually struggled with not being selfish this week. And then, of course, I feel guilty for not being more selfless. It's awful to see your children sick and it's easy to place so much blame on myself for how they are feeling...could I have prevented it? Being a mom is difficult every second! It's so true that no one can prepare you for parenthood. Which is a great movie, by the way. Parenthood with Steve Martin. Maybe I should watch that to have a good laugh after this week!


Blogger Gwen Jackson said...

I remember reading an article 15 or so years ago called, "Some Days Are Like That." I could fully relate with the thought having kids that ranged in age from 7 - 14.

I guess we could call an article, "Some Weeks are Like That!" in light of your past week (and it sounds like it is still going).

I hope Kenzie gets to feeling better.

Be encouraged... you are a great mom! Sometimes we have no control over life. Sick kids (and hubby) would be on that list.

Here's to a new week! And new beginnings.

2:41 PM  
Blogger The Adams Family said...

I know the feeling to see the kids being sick and have no clue what cause them being sick. I hope Kenzie will get better soon. Take care of yourself and know God is there to watch over all of us everyday. :-)

9:20 AM  
Blogger A Davis said...

i feel you! and you gave up time with me! :) but it's over now! right? love you!

4:23 PM  

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