So right when you think your life is going to calm down for a bit, it gets completely crazy again! Last week, the girls were at Grandma Camp (Jon's mom!) and I figured I would work some and then get lots done at the house. Yeah, right! I worked lots and played some! I worked three days in a row and then one afternoon went to the mall and movies with my good friend, Lori. Another day, I was a beached whale with my good friend, Jenny, by her apt. pool, doing absolutely nothing! If it had not been for my awesome hubby, there would not have been one single dish washed or one load of laundry done.
We went down to Battle Creek for Tara's wedding on Friday night (our fourth wedding in five's getting a bit expensive!) and then came home after the wedding. Saturday morning I went to the first meeting of a life group that I'm joining for young women called Girl Talk.
Worked in BabySteps (Journey's name for our nursery) on Sunday morning and had 8 babies! The service went great as well, we tried a new set-up that was a complete success. We also had the highest Sunday yet (excluding our launch Sunday last October). Had some families come from an outreach we had done last month and another unchurched guy who is coming back next week!
Sunday evening, the girls and I went back down to Battle Creek to spend the night at Ali's house since I had an interpreting job there on Monday morning. We went out to Goguac Lake on Ali and Ben's boat and let the kids swim in the lake. It was a bit chilly so I didn't bring the girls' suits, but they really wanted to swim, so they went skinnydipping with life jackets on! Probably would not have happened if dad had been around, if you know what I mean!! That night, we put the kids down to bed and we did the same routine that we always do when we stay at Ali's house. The girls go to bed in Ali and Ben's bed, then later when we go to bed and they are asleep, we move the girls to sleeping bags on the floor of the boy's room. It's been fine every other time. Well, Sydney woke up in the middle of the night (about 2am) and decided it would be fun to have a little party and wake up her cousins as well. So all four kids were up for about two hours in the middle of the night! And then, of course, they were still up early in the morning at 7:30am! Completely frustrating!
Finally, on Tuesday, we had a regular day at home, doing nothing. The girls got to swim in their kiddie pool with the neighbor kids and I worked on painting our shutters. It was a nice, normal, good and boring day at home. I told Jon that he would probably never hear me say this ever again in my whole life, but we ate at home for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and it was wonderful!
On Friday, Jon and I are heading down to Cincinnati to see our good friends from Roanoke, Rusty and Cindy. Just a one night stay, but it will be great to catch up with them. The guys are going to a Reds game on Friday night and Cindy and I will just find a mall or something. We could sit and talk in a restaurant for five hours, for all we care! Cindy is the kind of friend that you can always pick up where you left off with, she truly is a kindred spirit and bosom buddy. I thank the Lord for friends like her in my life.