What a day, what a day, what a day! It started off with the girls waking us up at the butt-crack of dawn...6am! We put them back to bed three times before we finally just got up. Jon went over and helped our neighbor shovel her driveway (since her young hubby just passed away last summer) and then shoveled most of ours. After breakfast, the girls and I went outside and played in the snow. They loved it! Once inside, they got a nice warm bath and then some hot (lukewarm) chocolate. This is when the day got worse...Kenzie proceeds to fall off the recliner from a standing position and hits her head on the coffee table, biting her tongue in the process. It looked so bad that I called Jon to come home so we could take her to the ER. Luckily, Jen was not teaching today due to the snow, so she came over and stayed with Syd. Well, we were at the ER for 3 hours and they did NOTHING! They said the tongue could not be helped and would heal quickly on its own. She just has to eat soft, non-salty food for the next few days. They did not do an x-ray on the swelling and bruising of her cheek so they would not expose her to radiation and plus, what can you do with a cheek-bone break? Face cast? Anyway, rest (impossible for a 2-year-old), tylenol, and ice cream for two days! Then tonight at dinner the girls had two potty accidents and they had to go back in the bath for the second time today. Now, mind you, while all this was going on, I was not a happy camper since today is MY day. I was going to have lunch with a friend (alone) and then do an interpreting job and then have choir tonight. Well, because of our huge snow (3 inches...whatever, we're in the South) everything was cancelled. No lunch, no job, no choir, no ME time! So tonight when the girls went to bed, I went to SAM'S Club and savored every minute of it! I tried to download pictures three times and I couldn't get it to work...don't know what's going on. Sorry.